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updated/checked on 13th February 2023
While performing his job, together with customers, suppliers, co-workers and colleagues, Giuseppe Starace is often in contact with advanced solutions. Thus, he often has the chance to get in touch with innovations capable of solving technical problems from a totally new and original point of view.

This leads to apply for patents.
Giuseppe Starace's patents assets (at the final stage of registered ones or at the stage of application) are the following:
Nell'ambito della propria attività, insieme a clienti, fornitori, collaboratori e colleghi, Giuseppe Starace si trova spesso a contatto con soluzioni all'avanguardia. E', allora, probabile che si trovi a contatto con innovazioni di portata brevettuale che consentono di risolvere un problema tecnico in maniera nuova e originale.

I brevetti (allo stato di brevetti registrati o di domande) all'attivo di Giuseppe Starace: 
13 2022 Raincoat net with warp and/or weft of romboidal section


European Patent N. 3641528
released on 25th May 2022

International Patent (I347)
IT201700068976 (A1)  

Application no. PCT/IB2018/054492 
also referred to as
WO2018234981 (A1), EP3641528A1

issued on 27th  December 2018.

Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace, Mr. Marco Lippolis
12  2022 New Italian patent to be disclosed when published on UIBM Italian patent N. XXXXXXXXX (B987)
issued on __th ____ 2022

Application no.
issued on 8th February 2022

Applicant: ______
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace and others
11  2021 Leno Woven Fabric with Alternated Monofilament and Strip European patent  (I435)

Application no. EP3932187A1

issued on 01st July 2021.
Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace, Mr. Paolo Arrigoni, Mr. Marco Lippolis 
10    2021 Supporto in polietilene cui è legato un idrogel caricato con un principio attivo naturale antiparassitario Italian patent (B925_31;05)

Application no.
issued on 31st May 2021
Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mr. Paolo Arrigoni, Mr. Giuseppe Starace  
9  2022 Rete a giro inglese con alternanza di monofilo e bandella  Italian patent N. 102020000016108 (B835_06;20)
released on 17th August 2022

issued 3rd July 2020
also referred as
 EP3932187 (A1)

Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace, Mr. Paolo Arrigoni, Mr. Marco Lippolis 
8  2020 Tessuto in materiale plastico per l’ombreggiamento delle serre e delle colture in pieno campo Italian patent N. 102018000004550
released on 06th May 2020

Application no.
02018000004550  (B719)
issued on 16th April 2018.
Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace, Mr. Paolo Arrigoni, Mr. Marco Lippolis
7  2019 Polyethylene net or fabric grafted with a PVP hydrogel for the absorption and release of pyretroids International Patent (I298)
- WO2017115177 (A1)

- EP16826453B1 (granted by EPO on 10th October 2019)
- ITUB20159650 (A1)
- US2019000078 (A1)

PCT Application no. PCT/IB2016/057349

issued on 5th December 2016.

Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mrs. Elena Vismara, Mr. Paolo Arrigoni, Mr. Giuseppe Starace

6  2019 Rete antipioggia con ordito e/o trama a sezione romboidale Italian Patent no. 102017000068976 (B684)
released on 30th September 2019

Application no.

issued on 21th June 2017.
Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace, Mr. Marco Lippolis

5  2019 Rimozione di ioni metallici da soluzioni acquose mediante l'utilizzo di un supporto in polietilene con innestato un idrogel in PVP Italian Patent no. 102016000076409
released on 21st January 2019

Application no. 102016000076409
issued on 27th July 2016.
Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mrs. Elena Vismara, Mr. Paolo Arrigoni, Mr. Giuseppe Starace 

4  2018 Supporto in polietilene con innestato un idrogel in PVP Italian Patent no. 102015000087939 (B621)
released on 30th August 2018

Application no. 102015000087939 (UB2015A009650)
issued on 28th December 2015.
Applicant: Sachim srl
Inventors: Mrs. Elena Vismara, Mr. Giuseppe Starace, Mr. Paolo Arrigoni

3  2011 Accoppiamento di un generatore a microonde a refrigeratori domestici ad assorbimento Application no. BA2011A000069
issued on 1st December 2011
Applicant: Mr. Giuseppe Starace 
Inventor: Mr. Giuseppe Starace

2  2010 High performance gasifier equipped with an improved combustion chamber and a mixing device  Application no. PCT/IB2010/000328 also referred to as doc no. WO2010095025.
issued on 19th  February 2010
Applicant: SOCOGES srl
Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace and Mr. Giovanni Maria Galanto

1  2006 Interfaccia elettronica per la comunicazione verbale ad uso di soggetti handicappati  Italian Patent no. 0001331842
released on 25th January 2006

Application no. BA02A000031
issued on 19th September 2002 
Applicants and Inventors: Mr. Giuseppe Starace and Mrs.Clelia Carella